Share capital
Share premium account
Own shares
Other reserves
Translation reserves
Retained earnings
to equity
holders of
the parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Half year to 30 June 2018
1 January 201833.1177.1(7.2)141.045.9307.1697.00.5697.5
Net profit for the period50.650.60.250.8
Exchange differences on translation of overseas operations1.81.8(0.1)1.7
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes net of deferred tax(1.6)(1.6)(1.6)
Total comprehensive income for the period1.849.
Acquired in the period/settlement of share options1.5(3.4)1.9
Share-based payments2.12.12.1
Deferred tax on share-based payment transactions0.30.30.3
Dividends paid(70.5)(70.5)(70.5)
30 June 201833.1177.1(5.7)139.747.7287.8679.70.6680.3
Half year to 30 June 2017
1 January 201733.1177.1(8.0)133.957.5234.3627.90.4628.3
Net profit for the period43.543.50.143.6
Exchange differences on translation of overseas operations(2.3)(2.3)(2.3)
Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension schemes net of deferred tax0.30.30.3
Total comprehensive income for the period(2.3)43.841.50.141.6
Acquired in the period/settlement of share options0.7(0.7)
Share-based payments2.72.72.7
Deferred tax on share-based payment transactions0.20.20.2
Dividends paid(20.5)(20.5)(20.5)
30 June 201733.1177.1(7.3)135.955.2257.8651.80.5652.3
Year ended 31 December 2017
1 January 201733.1177.1(8.0)133.957.5234.3627.90.4628.3
Net profit for the year97.
Exchange differences on translation of overseas operations(11.6)(11.6)(0.1)(11.7)
Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension schemes net of deferred tax5.75.75.7
Total comprehensive income for the year(11.6)102.891.20.191.3
Acquired in the year/settlement of share options0.8(0.7)0.10.1
Share-based payments7.87.87.8
Deferred tax on share-based payment transactions0.60.60.6
Dividends paid(30.6)(30.6)(30.6)
31 December 201733.1177.1(7.2)141.045.9307.1697.00.5697.5

Included in other reserves is the capital redemption reserve arising on redemption of the Group's B shares of £129.8m (2017: £129.8m) and the share-based payment reserve of £9.0m (2017: £5.3m).